Are Desktop Computers Dead Yet?

desktop computerYou may think the PC era is just about over if you believe everything you read in the tech media.  Indeed, the sales numbers for tablets are definitely soaring.  The numbers for PCs aren’t nearly as impressive as they used to be a few years ago.   But ITworld in a recent story made a persuasive case against the naysayers.   The PC isn’t dead, ITworld argued.   In fact, it’s doing just great.

Jobs’ Quote

Those forecasting the passing of the PC had a boost when Steve Jobs, before his untimely death, compared PCs to trucks.   He said trucks dominated when most people lived rural lives. But now that more people live in cities, cars are more important than trucks.   In Jobs’ analogy, PCs are trucks and tablets are cars.


But ITworld disagrees, even with Jobs.   First, it points out that the leading vehicle sold in the United States each year is the Ford F150 pickup.   That, of course, is a truck. People purchase trucks simply because they need to get work done.   And that is also why they purchase PCs.

Tablet Limits

And, ITworld argues, people need PCs to work. You can’t type reports on tablets. You’ll find it difficult to create spreadsheets or slideshows, too. You’ll need a PC for that. And as long as people in this country continue to work, ITworld says, they’ll still need PCs.

We tend to agree with this line of thinking, however, if you have any questions; call us toll-free anytime for clarification at 1-877-978-3247.

Choosing the Right Laptop for You

What laptop is best for youBuying a laptop can be a stressful time because there are so many options to choose from. You need to decide what kind of laptop it is that you really need. Are you working in an office that will be using the computer for word processing, spreadsheets and internet browsing? Are you a web developer that will be using much processor power for video and pictures?

All these things need to go into consideration when purchasing your laptop.

Many people agree that Macs are better for media rich applications such as Photoshop and Flash. Macs have been known to be excellent for those who need fast processing power for video. If you are editing videos more that 50% of the time, I would have to say that the majority of you will be using Macs.

Mac repair is a more specialized field so you also need to take this into consideration when purchasing a new computer, so you can budget for higher hourly repair rates.

On the other hand, if you just need a basic computer for browsing and word processing, a Mac might be too much computer. A PC will do a great job! We tend to recommend PC’s with Intel processors and as much RAM (memory) as you can afford to purchase.

Both platforms are highly compatible. It comes down to preference. If you like the Mac OS, you should stick with a Mac. If you like the Windows OS then stick with a PC.

Macs cost more than PCs.

Lowest priced computers will be more that plenty fast for basic computing, however, if you need anything faster than basic computing needs, buy the fastest computer that you can afford. It is always better to have too much power than not enough when dealing with processor hogging applications.

Remember, the fastest computer today will not be the fastest PC in two years from now.

We are not biased towards either platform – we use both. They each have their benefits. Buy what you can afford and keep an eye out for those deals.

Is Your Wireless Network Protected?

hackerMost people assume if they have a password set on their wireless network that they are safe.  This is usually not the case.  There are three main types of security methods, and all can usually be cracked quite easily and quickly.


WEP’s are very easy to crack, and takes almost no time at all. Software can decrypt the password by observing patterns of packets collected in the air. WEP is an older password method, but is still commonly used, and it is even set as default for many new routers. Avoid WEP whenever possible.


WPA and WPA2 is the safest method to use, but can still be cracked if the password is too short or commonly used. The attacker will “sniff” the network and get the encrypted password. They will then feed the string into a program that goes through very large password lists or guesses every combination till it finds the decrypted key.

These programs can guess thousands of passwords per second, and if the cracker uses multiple computers, they can guess many combinations VERY quickly.  Make sure to make the password very robust. A good rule of thumb is to create a password that nobody else on earth is ever likely to use.

Invisible Network

This usually can easily be circumvented by using software that waits for a user to connect to the network. This then gives away the SSID or network name away.

Mac Address filtering

Mac address filtering is another method that can easily be beaten.  The attacker can spoof their MAC address to be the same as a user on your network, and trick the router into thinking they are that user.

Rogue WIFI Networks

Another thing to look out for is Rogue WIFI networks.  Hackers can easily set up a network with the same name as yours, kick you off and force you to connect to their network without your knowledge. They then strip all the browser encryption from your session, making them able to view everything, including grabbing sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, and banking information.

For more information on protecting yourself from rogue networks and other attacks, please check out the “Solutions” in the above navigation bar.

Remember, everyone is a target. It’s possible to build very sophisticated antennas that can connect from long distances. The attacker could have many reasons to break in.  Once they penetrate your network, they can usually break into other systems on your network.  Attackers can also use your network to commit crimes and cover their identity. Once they have the password, they can decrypt packets they “sniff” from the air, and see your private data.

Use WPA or WPA2 and make sure to set a long and unique password.


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